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artist name
Glimpse into their art and highlight of their shows with us.
This form is to invite registrations from artists and facilitators to organise gatherings and workshops in White Geodesic Dome which has really good reverb and unique acoustics. The idea is to co-create unique experiences inside the Dome. We will be supporting you with following things:
1. Designing & organising the event.
2. Designing and printing the posters.
3. Doing the promotion
4. Managing the payments and logistics related with the event.
5. Decoration and setup inside the dome.
The aim is to collaborate with artists and facilitators to support them in all kinds of logistics and operational tasks. Help them design the gathering or Workshops. And let the artist relax to just come perform or conduct the workshops without being worried about the logistics and promotion.
Depending on the level of engagement the we will discuss the share in the revenue of the gathering and workshops.